The information in this video can show you how to
Be Healthy and Lose Weight
You'll learn strategies and secrets, like...
- Why calorie counting will never work for long term weight loss and how restricting calories is probably the worst thing you can do to lose weight.
- Why carbs are not your enemy and how to enjoy a healthy fat burning nutrition program that includes all the carbs you need.
- Which "so called" health foods are actually making your body store tons of fat
- Why you must, must, must eat lots of food in order to finally shed the pounds and why many people have been falsely led to believe the complete opposite.
... And much, much more!
Diets & Weight Loss Article
4 Right Ways to Lose Weight Fast! by Weight Reducer
How to Lose Weight the Easy WayAre you unhappy with your present weight? Yes? Have you tried all the dieting, weight loss pills, gym and all the sneaky weight loss programs out there and still haven't lost a gram of yourself? If yes then probably you'll find all the answers to your questions.
Weight Loss is a very hot topic specially among teens who want to look just like their favorite celebrities. Many try. Most Fail. They fail not because they try and give up - but because most of the things they do are completely wrong. They work hard, diet, eat less, take medications and still don't see any significant difference in themselves. Below are some of the tips and tricks to lose weight and will go a long way in attaining that right amount of body weight.
Set Realistic Goals
One of the most popular reason that people stop working on their weight is that they set too unrealistic goals. Today, I will be less 10 pounds! Come on, you're not going to lose that kind of weight until you're squeezed!
Set a goal that you can easily accomplish. Say, you start with reducing 2 or 3 pounds a month. Now that is way easy than 10 pounds a day, isn't it? And also it is accomplishable and realistic. Not only will you be able to lose that kind of weight but it will also boost your confidence greatly. Once you see results you will work on it with much more effort and confidence.
Slowly Increase Your Workout
Once you see some results go for the extra mile. Always remember, it starts with a small change. Get the momentum and if you can increase your workout plan by a little bit. Keep in mind that the increase in your weight loss plan should be incremental and trivial or it will do you more harm than good. It is advisable to increase your plan by 5% a week.
No Fast Foods, Please!
If you're really serious about reducing weight then you should stop all the junk and frozen foods as soon as possible. One of the stumbling blocks to losing weight is all the fast foods that we are used to consume everyday.
Eat Regularly
Eating regularly and at particular intervals aids your body to digest the food properly. Eating regularly not only is a good eating habit but also helps you keep track of what you eat and when.
Eat Small
Eating small doesn't mean dieting. Stop eating when you are content and avoid over-eating. Many people get into the habit of eating whenever there is nothing useful to be done like when you are alone, angry with someone, feeling bored or just feel like you are hungry when you really aren't. This is a syndrome and you should try hard to stop that as it will help you in your weight loss.
Don't Wait!
Every little thing that you do helps but only when it is DONE - so start now and TAKE ACTION and you'll lose some weight before too long!